For my AP art concentration I explored the idea of attachment and abandonment in relation to self perception. I chose to use photography, collage, acrylic painting, and watercolor to highlight the relationships we form with other people, places, and memories. These connections can often have an overly influential effect on the formation of identity, which inadvertently manifests in the constant fear of abandonment. The loss of these relationships and identities that have shaped our identity can create a terrifying feeling of depletion. The frightening, yet beautiful coexistence of loss and detachment can be seen through my use of muted colors, dark backgrounds, human-like figures, and familiar settings. Often we may not realize our overdependence on an aspect of our lives is tied to our own self worth. Only when this aspect disappears do we question how we could have existed before. Even the parts of ourselves that we deem inadequate ,have their own unique beauty. simply because they are a necessary part of the human experience. My work is inspired by my and my loved ones’ feelings about their existence.